
Build Your Own Busy Box

bored-in-the-dark-1435870Take it from me, a church going, backstage-ballet, long-road trip taking Mama, almost nothing can cause as much stress as a bored child. It’s easy to entertain if you have a screen that you can shove in their faces (I’m not above doing this) or carrying a full suitcase full of dolls, toys and puzzles. But how do you keep child entertained when time and space is limited?

Check-out my “Fun Box” contents all of which will fits into your average pencil box. Pick and choose which of these items are perfect for your little one. Be sure to choose age appropriate items to keep your little one safe (so they don’t get poked or choke) and busy.

  •  Pipe Cleaners – Believe it or not, this is my secret weapon. Pipe cleaners are small (fit anywhere), colorful, inexpensive and versatile. A pipe cleaner can be contorted into a cute little doll, a flower, an animal and then reused to make something totally different.
  • Plastic Beads – Can be used with the pipe cleaners to create bracelets or key chains or other crafts.
  • Play Dough – One or two small jars of dough will keep little (and even bigger) kids busy for quite awhile. They can mold it into foods for a pretend meal or use it with other toys to make molds and impressions.
  • Small Notebook & Pen – Find a wide selection at an office supply or big box store or even at a dollar store. A notebook with a character or a colorful cover is perfect. Add a pretty or cool pen, even one with different colored ink, can be a good time killer.
  • Crayons – Add a small box of crayons or even a few crayons in a small sandwich bag.
  • Coloring or Activity book – A small color or activity book can be purchased or created.
  • Small Book – Early readers might enjoy a new or favorite book.  Even those who are too little to read words can enjoy looking at the pictures of a colorful book or might like being read to.
  • Stickers – Use the stickers with the notebook or coloring book or a child can put them all over their hands, shirts and siblings. You know that will happen.
  • Small Toy – Choose a favorite toy such as small dolls (think Polly Pockets) or small die-cast cars, like hot wheels.
  • Locker-size White Board, Marker & Eraser – I’m not sure what is more fun, the endless drawing possibilities or the part where they get to erase it.
  • Paint Swatches with Matching Paper Clips – This can make for a really amusing educational game that helps children learn their colors and matching.
  • Felt board – You can buy a felt board, or you can easily make one by gluing a piece of felt to a piece of cardboard. Glue stickers to pieces of felt to create colorful things for your child to use on the board.
  • Magnifying Glass – A magnifying glass can keep a little one busy checking-out their finger prints and other small items. Just make sure they don’t stare into the sun!

Another way to stock a Busy Box is to stash stickers and suckers you receive from the bank or doctor’s office to fill the box. You can also keep a few small treats from Halloween buckets, Christmas stockings and birthday party goody bags. These small items will

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